14 February 2011

Real Love...

As I sit here in the Houston airport (in route to Tampa for my sister's wedding), I was blog stalking my drastically long list of favs. Here's one that I want to repost from Homegrown Hospitality.  I loved her message & words soo much!


If you want to change something and are not sure what to start with...think about healing your heart and then opening your heart because there is a whole lotta love to give and receive and you do not want to miss it!! (it is tough work but totally worth it....)
 "My words affect my heart...and my heart affects my words..."
Always remember to refer to these often forgotten rules of LOVE...
"Words BUILD up and TEAR down so THINK before you speak..."
T - are you being TRUTHFUL..Don't be brutally honest, be CLEARLY honest. (there is a difference!)
H - make sure that your words are HELPFUL
I - are you being INSPIRATIONAL
N - is what you are saying NECESSARY
K - are your words KIND

LOVE people with HONEST words...because honest words make us feel loved. "Speak the truth in love.." Eph. 4:15
LOVE people with KIND words because KIND words transform worry into JOY (yippee!) "Worry will rob your happiness but kind words will cheer you up" Prov. 12:12
LOVE people with CAREFUL words...because if we use communication as a battle field, we will always loose."Watch your words and hold your tongue.  You will save yourself alot of grief" Proverbs 21:23
LOVE people with BUILDING words because building words encourage learning..."Pleasant words promote instruction" Proverbs 16:21

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