22 April 2010


I wanted to drop a line saying that my Etsy shop will be closed for several weeks. I'm currently overhauling the place. We're working on new items, a wedding line, and making it easier to navigate through the store. I wanted to thank you ahead of time for the support and understanding!

We'd love to hear what you have to say!!

{Oh, and if you have any extra suggestions about our shop or any Etsy shop you've seen, we'd love to hear you opinion!!}




  1. I see you've also added some new gadgets to the blog! I LOVE the "ask me anything"...I might just copy ;)

    Were you playing around with FeedBurner? What dod you think of it? I tried adding Google analytics to my blog but ran into some walls...maybe I should check out FeedBurner?

    Much Love!

  2. Feed Burner is great!! Definitely use it!! Yes, I added some new things! I've been getting ideas from bloggers! :)


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